April 3, 2019
As I set here in the Brothers in Blues Reentry (BIBR) Annex at the Lansing Correctional Minimum Facility, I recall the situation that put me here for the second time. I can easily blame shift, which I often did out of anger and pride. Yet, that will not profit anyone or anything. I do believe without a doubt I am in this prison by the sovereignty of an all-powerful God.
As Isa. 46:10 explains, God calls the end from the beginning. He orchestrates all things to their appointed end (Eph. 1:11), and yet God is not the author of evil (Jas. 1:13). Despite how I came back to prison, the fact of the matter is I am back in prison. I can become bitter or I can become better. I choose to become better. Since I am back here, there are three questions I needed to answer.
1. What happened?
2. How did it happened?
3. How can I prevent it from happening again?
Here are the answer to those questions:
1. I was arrested while on parole for “Failure to Register.”
2. While I was on parole, I was ordained an associate pastor at my church. The sermons I preached I up loaded onto youtube and that was how I caught a new case. I thought it would be a great way to proclaim the Gospel. I actually thought I was led by Christ to do that. Maybe I was and went about it the wrong way. I failed to register the youtube channel with the Sherriff Department. As a registered offender I had to register all forms of social media. I didn’t realize youtube was social media. I understand that ignorance of the law isn’t an excuse. Needless to say, I am back in the system.
3. For now on, I will make sure my “i” are doted and my “t” are crossed. I will not take any chances in the future. Every website I go to I will register with the Sherriff Department. No more excuses or blame shifting. It was my responsibility to make sure I was in full compliance with the law and I failed to do that.
I believe without a doubt that God brought me to the one facility where I could do what He called me to do when I was on parole, but failed to do it. God laid it on my heart back then to make Bible study lessons for prison inmates. I did not, and then I found myself back in prison the second time. I could have gone anywhere but I ended up where BIBR was. I believe that was by divine providence.
While here I became an inmate pastor. The sermons I preached I turned into Bible studies. The Bible studies we offer through “Prisoners of Hope Ministries” were put together in the Annex of Brothers in Blue at the Lansing minimum facility. Hours were spent doing this. It was my contribution for God’s glory and not mine. I hope you all enjoy these studies as well as I did creating them.
I created the Daily Bible Reading Plan, because I wanted a plan on reading the Bible through in a year and did not have one. Now since this is created, I will make it available to anyone that wants one.
I, for a while, had a newsletter ministry. When I spoke openly against sin and the LGBTQ community this ministry came to an end. The warden got a copy of this newsletter and the hammer came down. I will always take a stand against sin and take a stand for righteousness even if I am the only one standing. This newsletter will now continue as long as this ministry does.
I started these studies with the end in mind. I never want to return back to this place, and I never want any of you to come back either. God has a plan for every child of God. If you do not find that plan in your life, then God will direct that plan Himself. You might not like the outcome of it. That is why the motto of this ministry will be called “Rehabilitation through Regeneration.” It is only with the Holy Spirit regenerating us from the inside out that will prevent us from ever returning back to prison.
God Bless you.
Richard Smith
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